Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hello World!

I can’t believe all the place my life has taken me, especially in the last year. I have gone from being single to married, from an Oregonian to a New Yorker, from a nanny to a professional, and from a follower to a leader. I don’t know how all of this happened in such a short amount of time, but it did. During a lot of this time I have felt very insecure about myself  as a wife, a friend and in general a woman. I feel like I am always surrounded by the most talented of people and I always fall short. But you want to know what, that is not okay for me and it shouldn’t be for you either. We are strong women in the world and each of has a our personal journey to accomplish, the important thing is we have each other to lean on and learn from as we progress so in honor of progression this Blog is to share ideas from cooking, to crafting, shopping to saving. I am going to rely on my own experiences as well on all of you. I hope you enjoy this blog. Please share your ideas with me too.